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Sunday 28 June 2020

How to lose weight/fat fast in a easy way

How to lose weight/fat fast in a easy way

1) Intermittent fasting-
eating in cycles (consume all calories in a window) such as the 16:8 method which you break the fast with breakfast. Intermittent fasting is not a diet it is a life style.
Intermittent fasting 

2) Fasted cardio -perform cardio on an empty stomach.Scientific research has clearly shown that fasted cardio burns considerably more body fat than performing the same cardio session in a fed state. Along with this, use a body analyzer scale which is the only real way to know what's going on with your body. Weigh yourself at the same time everyday. The amount of water you drank the day before impacts results. Stay consistent.

3) Reduce carbs your brain needs carbs but you can kick start a diet research which will in your lifestyle.

4) Build muscle - It increases your metabolism (the amount of calories your body burns at rest)
When you increase your muscle mass, you boost your resting metabolism -- and that makes your body burn more calories.

5) Sleep more - research has found that people who sleep more lose more body fat even when eating the same amount of calories. When your body is awake longer, your metabolism downslifts and burns less calories. Your body is in overdrive whenyou sleep more.Monitor your progress don't live and die byt thenumber on the scale! It's all about body fatp percentageand lean body mass. Get your body fat tested by a trainer with body fat calipers or a body fat / lean body mass / water weight scale from Vitagoods.

Always remember-
Calories in and calories out is the key. If you consume less you lose body fat. You can do it through diet and / or Diet and exercisem together are the most efficient.

Motivation tip- Never give up because beginning is always hardest

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